The Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Library depends on donations of members, friends and authors to continue expanding its collection of books by Mennonite authors and about Mennonite genealogy, practices and history.
Members and Friends are invited to consider participating in this effort through one of these options:
1. Sort through your book collection for titles that are on our Wish List or fit our collection criteria and consider donating them to our collection,
2. Browse our Wish List for titles you may have interest in reading, purchase the book and consider donating it to our collection when you are finished,
3. Make a financial donation to PNMHS designated for the purchase of books on this list,
4. Visit our library and check out a book of interest from our collection.
The Status column indicates the date that book was added to our Wish List.
You may view the recent additions to our library at this link.
Status: | Author: | Title: | Date: |
2017/04/07 | Redekop, Calvin Wall | Strangers Become Neighbors: Mennonite and Indigenous Relations in the Paraguayan Chaco | 1980 |
2016/08/28 | Weaver-Percher, Valerie | Thrill of the Chaste: The Allure of Amish Romance Novels | 2013 |
2016/08/28 | Shanty, Douglas H. | An Introduction to German Pietism: Protestant Renewal at the Dawn of Modern Europe | 2013 |
2016/08/28 | Trollinger, Susan L. | Selling the Amish: The Tourism of Nostalgia | 2012 |
2016/08/28 | Shearer, Tobin Miller | Daily Demonstrators: The Civil Rights Movement in Mennonite Homes and Sanctuaries | 2010 |
2016/08/28 | Janzen, Rod and Stanton, Max | The Hutterites in North America | 2010 |
2016/08/28 | Hurst, Charles E. and McConnell, David L. | An Amish Paradox: Diversity and Change in the World's Largest Amish Community | 2010 |
2016/08/28 | Klassen, Peter J. | Mennonites in Early Modern Poland and Prussia | 2010 |
2016/08/28 | Stevick, Richard | Growing Up Amish: The Teenage Years | 2007 |
2016/08/28 | Nolt, Steven and Meyers, Thomas | Plain Diversity: Amish Cultures and Identities | 2007 |
2016/08/28 | Lehman, James O. and Nolt, Steven | Mennonites, Amish, and the American Civil War | 2007 |
2016/08/26 | Weaver-Percher, David | Martyrs Mirror: A Social History | 2016 |
2016/08/26 | Cates , James | Serving the Amish: A Cultural Guide for Professionals | 2014 |
2016/08/26 | Hinojosa, Felipe | Latino Mennonites Civil Rights, Faith, and Evangelical Culture | 2014 |
2016/08/26 | Stevick's, Rich | Growing Up Amish: The Rumspringa Years | 2014 |
2016/08/26 | Elder, D. Rose | Why the Amish Sing: Songs of Solidarity and Identity | 2014 |
2016/01/26 | Prieto Valladares, Jaime; Lapp, John; Snyder, Arnold | Mission and Migration:Latin America: A Global Mennonite History | 2010 |
2016/01/26 | Miller, Lynn and Hussein, Bedru | Stewardship for All?: Two Believers - One from a Poor Country, and One from a Rich - Speak from their Settings | 2007 |
2016/01/26 | Ott, Bernhard | God's Shalom Project: An engaging look at the Bible's sweeping story | 2005 |
2016/01/26 | Lederach, John Paul | Preparing For Peace: Conflict Transformation Across Cultures | 1996 |
2016/01/11 | Klager, Andrew P. editor | From Suffering to SolidarityThe Historical Seeds of Mennonite Interreligious, Interethnic, and International Peacebuilding | 2015 |
2015/12/14 | Roth, John D. and Beck, Ervin; Edited by | Migrant Muses: Mennonite/s Writing in the U.S. | |
2015/12/04 | Brandt, Gareth and Kropf, Marlene | Spirituality with Clothes On: Examining What Makes Us Who We Are | 2015 |
2015/12/04 | Kropf, Marlene and Schrock, Daniel | An Open Place: The Ministry of Group Spiritual Direction | 2012 |
2015/12/04 | Glick, Sally Weaver; forward by Kropf, Marlene | In Tune With God, The Art of Congregational Discernment | 2004 |
2015/12/04 | Stutzman, Rose Mary; forward by Kropf, Marlene | Soul Care: How to Plan and Guide Inspirational Retreats | 2003 |
2015/12/04 | Kropf, Marlene | Congregational Discipling | 1997 |
2015/11/12 | Hart, Drew | Trouble I've SeenChanging the Way the Church Views Racism | 2016 |
2015/11/12 | Various authors | Courageous Women (Abundant Faith: Women's Bible Study) | 2016 |
2015/11/12 | King, David; Starbuck,Margot | Overplayed, A Parent's Guide to Sanity in the World of Youth Sports | 2016 |
2015/11/10 | Franz, Werner | Business Ethics Rooted in the Church A Theological Paradigm for Christians in Business | 2015 |
2015/11/10 | Oudshoorn, Judah; Amstutz, Lorraine Stutzman; Jackett, Michelle | The Little Book of Restorative Justice for Sexual Abuse: Hope through Trauma | 2015 |
2015/11/10 | McCutcheon, Richard; Sawatsky, Jarem; Smith, Valerie | Voices of Harmony and Dissent: How Peacebuilders are Transforming their Worlds | 2015 |
2015/10/31 | Hinojosa, Felipe | Latino Mennonites: Civil Rights, Faith, and Evangelical Culture | 2014 |
2015/07/26 | Wokeck, Marianne S. | Trade in Strangers: The Beginnings of Mass Migration to North America | 1999 |
2015/07/15 | Zehr, Howard | The Little Book of Restorative Justice Revised and Updated | 2015 |
2015/06/30 | Konrad, Anne | Red Quarter Moon: A Search for Family in the Shadow of Stalin | 2010 |
2015/06/30 | Seibert, Dorothy | Whatever it Takes | 2001 |
2015/06/11 | Wiebe, Katie Funk | My Emigrant Father: Jacob J. Funk, 1896-1986 | 2015 |
2015/06/11 | Friesen, Abraham | Menno Simons: Dutch Reformer Between Luther, Erasmus and the Holy Spirit | 2015 |
2015/06/11 | Friesen, Berry and Stoner, John K. | If Not Empire, What? A Survey of the Bible | 2014 |
2015/06/11 | Zehr, Howard and Amstutz, Lorraine Stutzman | What Will Happen to Me: Every Night, Approximately Three Million Children Go To Bed With A Parent In Prison or Jail; Here are Their Thoughts and Stories. | 2010 |
2015/05/26 | Weaver, J. Denny editor | John Howard Yoder: Radical Theologian | 2014 |
2015/05/26 | Schlabach, Kyle | The Cow in the Science Hall: A Collection of Goshen College Folklore | 1994 |
2015/05/22 | Wynward, Todd | The Secrets of Leaven | 2013 |
2015/05/22 | Yoder, Bob | Youth Ministry at a Crossroads | 2011 |
2015/05/20 | Grimsrud, Ted | The Good War That Wasn't-and Why It Matters | 2014 |
2015/05/20 | Elder, D. Rose | Why the Amish Sing; Songs of Solidarity and Identity | 2014 |
2015/05/19 | Stutzman, Ervin R. | DISCERNING GOD'S WILL TOGETHER; Biblical Interpretation in the Free Church Tradition | 2013 |
2015/05/19 | Hertzler, Daniel | ON MY WAY; The View from the Ninth Decade | 2013 |
2015/05/19 | Miller, Keith Graber | LIVING FAITH; Embracing God's Callings | 2012 |
2015/05/18 | Roth, John D. | Practices: Mennonite Worship and Witness | 2008 |
2015/05/18 | John D. Roth and James Stayer, editors | A Companion to Anabaptism and Spiritualism, 1521-1700 | 2007 |
2015/05/15 | Zehr, Howard | Changing Lenses Restorative Justice for Our Times | 2015 |
2015/05/15 | Green Stanley W.; Krabill, James R. | Fully Engaged; Missional Church in an Anabaptist Voice | 2015 |
2015/05/15 | Lind, Mary Beth; Hockman-Wert, Cathleen | Simply in Season, Tenth Anniversary Edition | 2015 |
2015/05/15 | Showalter, Mary Emm | Mennonite Community Cookbook; 65th Anniversary Edition | 2015 |
2015/05/15 | Maendel, Linda | Hutterite Diaries Wisdom from My Prairie Community | 2015 |
2015/03/09 | Steiner, Samuel J. | In Search of Promised Lands; A Religious History of Mennonites in Ontario | 2015 |
2015/02/09 | Miller, Marlene C. | Called to Be Amish My Journey from Head Majorette to the Old Order | 2015 |
2015/01/03 | edited by Rachel Epp Buller and Kerry Fast | Mothering Mennonite | 2013 |
2015/01/03 | Lachman, Becca J. R. | The Apple Speaks | 2012 |
2015/01/03 | Brenneman, Terri J. Plank | Wonderfully Made; Women, Faith, and Self-Care | 2011 |
2015/01/03 | Brenneman, Terri J. Plank | Practicing Presence | |
2014/12/02 | Swartley, Willard | John : Believers Church Bible Commentary | 2012 |
2014/12/02 | Swartley, Willard | Covenant of Peace | 2006 |
2014/11/12 | MC USA | A Shared Understanding of Church Leadership, A Polity Manual for Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA | 2014 |
2014/10/15 | Stoll, John D. | Inside the Amish Riddle | 2014 |
2014/09/28 | Penner, Jessica | Shaken in the Water | 2013 |
2014/09/17 | Stevick, Richard A. | Growing Up Amish: The Rumspringa Years | 2014 |
2014/09/03 | Borntrager, Mary Christner | Rebecca, New Edition Ellie's People, Book 2 | 2014 |
2014/09/03 | Beachy, Loren | Chasing the Amish Dream, My Life as a Young Amish Bachelor | 2014 |
2014/09/03 | Rempel, Alexander and Enns, Amalie | Hope is our Deliverance; The tragic experience of a Mennonite leader and his family in Stalin's Russia | 2006 |
2014/06/03 | Miller, D. Paul | They Made a Difference: The Story of a Unique Civilian Public Service Camp During World War II | 2014 |
2014/06/03 | Janzen, Jean | Entering the Wild: Essays on Faith and Writing | 2012 |
2014/06/03 | Nelson, Dawn Ruth | A Mennonite Woman: Exploring Spiritual Life and Identity | 2011 |
2014/06/03 | Kurtz, Shirley | Growing Up Plain | 1994 |
2014/06/01 | Mock, Melanie (Springer) and Schneiter, Rebekah (Crover); editors | Just Moms: Conveying Justice in an Unjust World | 2011 |
2014/05/30 | Regehr, Walter translated to English | German Baptists in South Russia by Johann E Pritzkau | 2014 |
2014/05/30 | Neufeld, Jacob A. | Path of Thorns: Soviet Mennonite Life Under Communist and Nazi Rule | 2014 |
2014/05/30 | Ramer, Steven R. | Travels with S.T.A.N.D.: A Journey of Adventure, Trust, Hope, and Faith | 2013 |
2014/05/30 | McQuiddy, Steve | Here on the Edge: How a small group of World War II conscientious objectors took art and peace from the margins to the mainstream | 2013 |
2014/05/30 | Gingerich, Owen | Worrying About Evolution: Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Goshen Conference on Religion and Science | 2013 |
2014/05/30 | Grimsrud, Ted | Instead of Atonement: The Bible's Salvation Story and our Hope for Wholeness | 2013 |
2014/05/30 | Kouwenhoven, Arlette | The Fehrs. Four Centuries of Mennonite Migration | 2013 |
2014/05/30 | Yoder, John Howard | Revolutionary Christian Citizenship | 2013 |
2014/05/30 | Swartz, Ted | Laughter is Sacred Space, The Not-So-Typical Journey of a Mennonite Actor | 2012 |
2014/05/30 | Yoder, John Howard | Radical Christian Discipleship | 2012 |
2014/05/30 | Weaver, Lisa; Kauffman, Julie; Rempel Smucker, Judith | On the Zwieback Trail: A Russian Mennonite Alphabet of Stories, Recipes and Historic Events | 2011 |
2014/05/30 | Houser, Gordon | Present Tense: A Mennonite Spirituality | 2011 |
2014/05/30 | Aurand, Ammon Monroe | Little Known Facts about the Amish and the Mennonites | 2007 |
2014/05/30 | Camden, Laura L. | Mennonites in Texas: The Quiet in the Land | 2006 |
2014/05/30 | Kraybill, Donald B. and Hurd, James P. | Horse-and-Buggy Mennonites: Hoofbeats of Humility in a Postmodern World (Pennsylvania German History and Culture | 2006 |
2014/05/30 | Lichti, James Irvin | Houses on the Sand: Pacifist Denominations in Nazi Germany (Studies in Modern European History) | 2006 |
2014/05/30 | Johns, Loren | The Lamb Christology of the Apocalypse of John: An Investigation into Its Origins and Rhetorical Force | 2003 |
2012/11/25 | Kraybill, Donald | The Amish | 2013 |