Bearing Witness Stories Project

Anabaptist witness in the face of suffering did not end in Europe in the 16th century. Read the stories of believers from around the world who have continued to bear witness to their faith at great cost. Visit the Website   |   Facebook page

The Purpose of Memories by Shirley Showalter

In her keynote message “The Purpose of Memories” at the Brubaker Family 300th Anniversary Celebration Weekend – August 3-6, 2017, Shirley Showalter answers the question, “Why should we care about our ancestors and the place they called home?” It draws on...

Mennonite COs under the Russian Tsars (1787-1917)

The story of Russian Mennonite conscientious objectors (COs) is not well-known, but is an important story because it explains in large part how Mennonites got to Canada and the United States. This recent publication by Lawrence Klippenstein tells this story. Mennonite...